Top 15 Art Forums in 2024

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The best Art forums, communities, discussion and message boards curated from thousands of forums on the web and ranked by popularity, active threads, and member count.more
What is Art Forum?
An Art Forum is a community for artists, art collectors, and art enthusiasts to talk about everything art. You can find out which is the best online art community and learn how to promote your art efficiently. The Art Forums is where you can discuss drawing, painting, sculpting, digital art, and many other art forms. Talk about your journey as an artist and share tips and creative advice with other artists. Talk about your art techniques, and share helping resources for beginner artists. Post your art on the forums, and check out the art by other creative individuals.
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Art Forums

Here are 15 Best Art Forums you should follow in 2024

1. Reddit » Art

Reddit » Art This is a subreddit about art. Discuss paintings, photography, and art in general.
Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Frequency 24 posts / day Since Jan 2008 View Recent Threads

2. Creative Spark

Creative Spark Creative Spark is a discussion community of forums for artists of every breed. All creative people are welcome who love to spare time for their passion of art.
Frequency 5 posts / day View Recent Threads

3. New Masters Academy Forums

New Masters Academy Forums Read discussions on various disciplines of art, ask questions, share techniques, and give advice here. New Masters Academy offers artists of all levels a streaming art education that is better and more affordable than traditional art schools.
Facebook Followers 153.5KTwitter Followers 2.2K Frequency 1 post / week View Recent Threads

4. Anime Forums » Art Exhibit

Anime Forums » Art Exhibit The Art Exhibit section of the Anime Forums is a showcase for all the wonderful drawings and graphics our members have made. Here you can post your Graphic Experiments and share your tribute to your favorite anime. Share your anime-inspired work and talk about your original characters. You can also share your work in progress and chat about your artistic journey.
Frequency 1 post / month View Recent Threads

5. Paint Basket Art Forum

Paint Basket Art Forum The Paint Basket Forum is a place to talk about acrylic painting, oil painting, watercolour painting, pen and ink drawing.
Facebook Followers 14.3KTwitter Followers 6.8K View Recent Threads

6. Art Forums

Art Forums Art Forums is a forum for discussing drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, music, graphic design, and more. Share your work and learn from others.
Facebook Followers 80Twitter Followers 973 Frequency 30 posts / year View Recent Threads

7. Space Battles Forum » Art & Design

Space Battles Forum » Art & Design The Space Battles Forum is for visual artists and designers. From videos to drawings, your work in any medium is welcome! If you have questions or need help, feel free to ask. You can also share your work and ask for feedback. Ask for recommendations for art supplies, budget drawing tablets, drawing tips and tricks, and more.
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Additional Forums

  1. Krita Artists | Krita Community Forum is a central hub for Krita artists and developers.
  2. The DeviantArt Forum is the largest online social network for artists and art enthusiasts, and a platform for emerging and established artists to exhibit, promote, and share their works with an enthusiastic, art-centric community.
  3. PaintersOnline PaintersOnline is the website for artists of all abilities, with a free gallery to share your work, a forum, blogs, painting and drawing demonstrations, painting competitions and much more.
  4. is an art collector's resource focusing on limited edition gig posters, movie prints and other forms of graphic arts.
  5. Art Rage Community is a place to share your art, get feedback, and find new techniques and resources.