Top 10 LDS Forums in 2025
LDS Forums
Here are 10 Best LDS Forums you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. LDS Freedom Forum
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The LDS Freedom Forum is your home for discussing politics, the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and the principles of liberty. Find here various educational resources on freedom and liberty such as related books, videos, audio, and other downloadable resources, talk about Church, & Mormonism, and post calls to action or information about events, meetings, or lectures that are liberty or gospel-related.MORE Frequency 30 posts/month View Recent Threads
2. ThirdHour Forums » LDS Gospel Discussion
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Discuss LDS teachings, ask questions about LDS theology, doctrine, scriptures and various problems. Third Hour is a gathering place for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to stay up to date on what's happening in the Church worldwide. It also teaches members the 'how,' and provides the 'what,' to sharing the gospel online.MORE Facebook Followers 106.9KTwitter Followers 27.5K Frequency 1 post/day View Recent Threads
3. New Order Mormon Forums
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The New Order Mormon forum is a place to love and accept the people who think about and live Mormonism on their terms. Join to find encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition, explore discussions about negotiating relationships between faithful LDS believers and the apostates, and chat about TED Talks, podcasts, personal experiences, and philosophies.MORE Frequency 1 post/week View Recent Threads
4. Church of Jesus Christ Forum
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Use the Church of Jesus Christ Forum to read real discussions on thousands of topics such as family safety with technology, family history, new resolutions, and much more. Talk about the basic duties of stake and ward clerks, discuss questions about using and interfacing with the Church MLS program, and everything God's love.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5MTwitter Followers 445.8K Frequency 12 posts/day View Recent Threads
5. Reddit » Mormon
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This is a subreddit for people interested in Mormon themes. People of all faiths and perspectives are welcome to engage in civil, respectful discussion about topics related to Mormonism, users talk here about Church culture and practices, post understandings on the law of Chastity amongst gay LDS, and so on.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Frequency 14 posts/day View Recent Threads
6. Discuss Mormonism
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This community welcomes Internet Mormons, Chapel Mormons, Critics, and Apologists to discuss Mormonism with fellow users. Share reasons for your sadness or happiness, read Mormon stories, ask questions find support.MORE Frequency 26 posts/day View Recent Threads
7. Mormon Dialogue & Discussion Board
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Visit the Mormon Dialogue Forum to engage in topics and discussions concerning LDS Doctrine, history, geography, and more. Talk about the mysteries of the spirit world, share thoughts on missionaries and religiosity among younger generations, and discuss cultural diversity.MORE Frequency 11 posts/month View Recent Threads
8. Stay LDS Forum » Support
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StayLDS forum has a message board available for anyone who would like to ask questions, seek support, and start a discussion on alternate ways to stay in the Church. Meet here with like minded ones, share your struggle stories, talk about gender issues, and tell if you are dealing with guilt to find encouragement.MORE Frequency 8 posts/week View Recent Threads
9. New Order Mormon Forum
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A place to love and accept the people who think about and live Mormonism on their own terms. This is for encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition no matter where you hope to end up. Chat about a topic supported by books, TED Talks, podcasts, personal experience, and philosophies of mankind mingled with humor.MORE Frequency 12 posts/week View Recent Threads