Top 10 Mental Health Forums in 2025
Mental Health Forums
Here are 10 Best Mental Health Forums you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. ReachOut Forums
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ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia. It gives teens and young adults aged 14-25 years looking for a place to hang out and discuss what's on their mind.MORE Twitter Followers 56.4K Frequency 3 posts/day View Recent Threads
2. My Support Forums
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Welcome to My Support Forums, an online community of psychology, personality, and mental health support groups! Talk about your problems, get advice, support, and help for coping with them, also discuss issues relating to relationships and how to improve communication in a relationship.MORE Frequency 5 posts/day View Recent Threads
3. Teen Line Online Forum » Mental Health
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Visit the Teen Line Online Forum and talk about everything related to mental health. Discuss depression, social anxiety, childhood trauma, and other mental health disorders. Share what you are going through and meet other teens who understand you. Talk about Bipolar and Anxiety disorders, and share your coping mechanisms and your experiences to help others.MORE Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 3.3KInstagram Followers 4.5K Frequency 5 posts/week View Recent Threads
4. Mental Health Forum
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The friendly mental health forum for people who know what it's like having depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, self-harm, panic attacks, or any other mental health issue.
Facebook Followers 4.7KTwitter Followers 120 View Recent Threads
5. Reddit » Mental Health
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The Mental Health subreddit is the central forum to discuss, vent, support and share information about mental health, illness and wellness.
Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Frequency 30 posts/day Since Jun 2008 View Recent Threads
Additional Forumsⓘ
- Sane Forums is a Mental Health support forum in Australia.
- Patient » Mental health provide a safe space for you to talk about whatever is bothering you, and thousands of supportive people who have been through the same thing.
- Talkmentalhealth Forum provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues.
- Beyond Blue Forums is equipping everyone in Australia with the knowledge and skills to achieve their best possible mental health.