Top 10 Royal Air Force Forums in 2025
Royal Air Force Forums
Here are 10 Best Royal Air Force Forums you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. UK Defence Forum » Royal Air Force
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Get the latest news, history discussions, and debates on Royal Air Force. everything at UK Defence Forum. Talk here about MBDA storm shadow missile, Airbus A400M Atlas, future UK combat aircraft project, swift aircraft project, and more.MORE View Recent Threads
2. Army Rumour Service Forums » Royal Air Force
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Army Rumour Service is a British Military Community and the most popular military website for discussing everything related to the military. Talk about Royal Air Force, read related current affairs, discuss the recruitment opportunity & intelligence, and debate issues affecting the military.MORE View Recent Threads
3. Fighter Control Forum » Donna Nook Range
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The Fighter Control Forum is an online community and discussion platform focused on Royal Air Force and Royal Navy weapon Ranges talks. The forum provides a space for enthusiasts and military personnel to exchange information, share experiences, and discuss the capabilities of the RAF and RN weapons.MORE View Recent Threads
4. The Student Room Forum » RAF and Armed Forces
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The Student Room is an online community for thousands of students and young people. In the RAF and Armed Forces section, you can find discussions on various aspects of Royal Air Force careers, learn to get into the RAF with Level 4 Uni grades, find advice on RAF SHINE interviews, and ask questions on recruitment processes, training, job roles, and so on.MORE Facebook Followers 47.8KTwitter Followers 64.6KInstagram Followers 11.5K View Recent Threads
5. Reddit » Royal Air Force
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This subreddit is providing everyone with a platform to connect with others who have the same interest in Royal Air Force, share knowledge and experiences, provide advice and guidance, and discuss current happenings in Royal Air Force.MORE Facebook Followers 740.7KTwitter Followers 325.2K View Recent Threads
6. RAFCommands Forums
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Welcome to the RAFCommands Forums, the main area where questions may be asked about specific research topics. Discuss here all queries related to the Commonwealth airforce operations in the far east theatre, in India, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Pacific, and more.MORE View Recent Threads