Top 15 Abuse Forums in 2025
Abuse Forums
Here are 15 Best Abuse Forums you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Isurvive Forum
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Isurvive is a non-profit organization dedicated to child abuse survivors learning to thrive. This forum has an array of general discussions concerning addictions, self-harm, unhealthy coping strategies, family, friends, and relationships, which will help survivors who suffered physical, emotional, and verbal child abuse to recover.MORE Frequency 6 posts/week View Recent Threads
2. After Silence Forums
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After Silence is an online support group, message board, and chat room for rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse survivors. Use this place to post your concerns, and questions and get advice, tips, and information for healing.MORE Frequency 2 posts/week View Recent Threads
3. Women's Aid Forum » Survivors' Forum
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Talk about your life after abuse, violence, relationships, disability, and more. Women's Aid is the national domestic violence charity working to end violence against women. This Survivor's Forum by Women's Aid is a safe, anonymous, space for women over 18 who have been affected by domestic abuse to share their experiences and support one another.MORE Facebook Followers 107.3KTwitter Followers 150.7K Frequency 11 posts/year View Recent Threads
4. My Support Forums » Survivors of Abuse
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This section is a space for the survivors of abuse to talk about their problems, whether it be childhood, adult, emotional, psychological, sexual, or physical abuse or assault. Post here your topics and communicate privately with other members. My Support Forums is an online community of psychology, personality, and mental health support groups.MORE Frequency 2 posts/week View Recent Threads
5. Psych Forums » Sexual Abuse and Incest
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Looking for advice or a mentor for sexual abuse and incest? These psychology and mental health forums can help you. The Psych forums bring you discussions about sexual assault, bullying, anger management, trauma disorders, anxiety disorders, social phobia, and more.MORE Frequency 2 posts/week View Recent Threads
6. Male Survivor Forum » Male Support Forum
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This support forum is for men who are sexually assaulted or abused. Feel free to share your stories, experiences, and issues, and seek support from fellow adult abuse survivors. MaleSurvivor is committed to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men.MORE Frequency 5 posts/day View Recent Threads
7. Reddit » Abuse Survivors
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Share your trauma, neglect, and abuse with others. This community is giving a chance to abuse survivors to learn and grow together from each other's experiences. Reddit is a social discussion website that has a network of communities where people can dive into their interests.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Frequency 5 posts/day View Recent Threads
8. Reddit » Abusive Relationships
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For anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship or is currently in one, this community is a place for them to vent, share their stories, and offer support to others in similar situations. Reddit is a social news aggregation, content rating, and discussion website which has a network of communities where people can dive into their interests.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Frequency 30 posts/day View Recent Threads
9. Reddit » Emotional Abuse
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A subreddit for people who are or were affected by emotional abuse. Share your stories and we can help each other overcome our pains, sometimes by the use of internet hugs. This is a friendly, benevolent place where we do not judge each other.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Frequency 8 posts/day View Recent Threads
10. DrugAbuse Forum
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Talk about the facts on alcohol abuse and substance abuse. is a resource provided by American Addiction Centers (AAC), dedicated to featuring extensive information about drug addiction & alcoholism and offers several resources to aid in recovery.MORE Facebook Followers 114.8KTwitter Followers 5.2K Frequency 2 posts/month View Recent Threads
11. Mental Health Forum » Mental Abuse
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Talk with others about your physical, sexual, emotional, and mental abuse and the trauma you have experienced. Whether you are undergoing psychological distress, are a friend, or relative of someone who is experiencing mental health issues, or working in the mental health field, Mental Health Forum can be your safe and supportive place to discuss anything related to mental health.MORE Twitter Followers 124Instagram Followers 71 Frequency 2 posts/day View Recent Threads
12. Mental Health Forum » Substance Abuse
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Visit this forum for friendly discussions on substance abuse issues, including alcohol, street drugs, or medication. The Mental Health Forum is a peer support forum for people who experience mental health issues. It is a community where you can speak openly and anonymously about your anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, as well as friendships and relationships, and everyday life issues.MORE Twitter Followers 124 Frequency 1 post/day View Recent Threads
13. Pandora's Project » Pandora's Aquarium
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Read informative and healing conversations on many topics relating to sexual violence such as relationship abuse, nightmares, dealing with negativity, and more. Pandora's Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support, and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family through their online support group, Pandora's Aquarium.MORE View Recent Threads