Top 15 Depression Forums in 2025
Depression Forums
Here are 15 Best Depression Forums you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Depression Understood Forums
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Let's talk about depression, anxiety, or other related mood disorders. Share your experiences of life, your thoughts, feelings & message. Depression Understood delivers many ways in which like-minded individuals communicate and offer peer support to each other.MORE View Recent Threads
2. Psych Central » Depression
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Psych Central is the Internet's leading mental health network, providing trusted mental health information on depression, anxiety, bipolar, ADHD, schizophrenia, and dozens of other concerns. Share your symptoms, feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or worthlessness, and get explanations for all your issues.MORE Facebook Followers 236KTwitter Followers 375.5K View Recent Threads
3. My Support Forums » Depression
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My Support Forum is a place where caregivers, family, concerned friends, and partners of people with depression or other mental health issues can come for advice, guidance, and mutual support. Understand depression, discuss its treatments, share your depression success stories, and encourage others.MORE View Recent Threads
4. Take This Life » Depression
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Welcome to the internet's most unique depression forum. Here you will find people who will listen and discusses depression and life's challenges. Be a part of this community and learn about depression, its symptoms & therapies, share stories, ask for help, and get advice.MORE View Recent Threads
5. Reddit » Depression
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Depression is both important and difficult to talk about, join this Reddit community and let's encourage each other. Discuss emotions, lack of motivation, or feelings of sadness, ask for therapy and peer support for anyone struggling with depressive disorders.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1M Since Jan 2009 View Recent Threads
6. My PTSD Forum » Depression
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Talk about Depression and Suicidality in My PTSD Forum. Share your stories and experiences, and get advice and help during hard times and bad days. Share your traumas and talk about how you cope with your depression. Talk about coping with suicidal thoughts and talk about your wins and positive results from treatments.MORE View Recent Threads
7. Mental Health Forum » Depression
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Welcome to the friendliest forum for support with mental health issues. Join and communicate with people who know what is like to experience depression, ask for help, and get the required depression & anxiety advice and support.MORE Facebook Followers 4.6KTwitter Followers 124 View Recent Threads
8. Psych Forums » Depression
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Psych Forums is giving an online open discussion board for people battling with depression. Talk about how you experience mood disorders, how you deal with loneliness, or any mental health issues, ask for support, and get help.MORE Twitter Followers 55 View Recent Threads
9. Reddit » Depressed
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If you're depressed, feeling hopeless, or someone you know suffers from depression, feel free to share your feelings, your situation, and what's on your mind. This subreddit community discusses everything about depression.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9MTwitter Followers 1.1MInstagram Followers 882K Since Oct 2009 View Recent Threads
Additional Forumsⓘ
- Mumsnet Forum » Depression A community forum to discuss depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders, for those suffering from mental health issues. Communicate with others who understand what depression is, share your feelings of sadness, and lack of motivation, ask for advice and find support guides.
- Carenity Forum » Depression Need someone to talk to or listen to? Visit Carenity, a mental health support forum, and start talking about living with depression, share your experiences and discuss how it affects your life, get tips, and find comfort and useful information.